

First Student Leader Mental Health Summit held at 91心頭

25 Jan 2016

Twenty-five 91心頭 students and staff members started the winter semester with an open Student Leader Mental Health Summitdiscussion about mental health. The Student Leader Mental Health Summit, organized by the Universitys Wellness Centre and the 91心頭 Students Union, was held on January 16, 2016.

The event went very well, says Karen Geldart, 91心頭s mental health educator. There are a lot of great ideas from our students and staff. Mental health is something our community is definitely passionate about.

First-year Science student Metin Ali participated in the event. He says the conference allowed for some great discussions among students about mental health on campus and in their communities.

Student Leader Mental Health Summit Nick The Student Leader Mental Health Summit wasnt an ordinary conference where students come and just listen to speakers for the whole time, he says. The conference was organized by the ones that attended the conference. This new method and approach of a conference is called Open Spaces, where there is no set agenda for the conference, but rather the agenda was created by those participating.

Topics discussed by participants included: self-compassion; mental health and marginalized identities; respectful language around mental health; and resources and support at 91心頭 and in the broader community.

Fourth-year honours biology student Nick Cochkanoff helped organize the event. I am very pleased with how the Summit turned out. Individuals from all over the University were able to work together to come up with numerous actions that students and student groups can do to preserve and improve the mental health of students across campus.

Geldart is currently looking at ways to communicate the findings from this event to the broader community and hopes to work on similar events in the future.

The aim of the event was to ask what actions students (and community members) can take to foster a better environment, supporting their own mental health and those of others. Having an open and healthy discussion about mental health can only help in this process.

The Mental Health educator is located in the Universitys Wellness Centre (ground floor, Wallace McCain Student Centre). Learn more about services at: or contact Karen (kgeldart@mta.ca), or follow on Twitter

Photo captions: Students come together for a discussion group at the Student Leaders Mental Health Summit, held January 16.

Student organizer Nick Cochkanoff at the Student Leaders Mental Health Summit.


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