
Mathematics TA, marker, and Math/Comp help center application form

Use this form to apply for Math Teaching Assistant, Help Centre and Marker Positions

The department of Mathematics and Computer Science is looking for teaching assistants for the Fall 2024 Semester. Review of applications will begin Monday, Aug. 12, 2024.

By submitting this form, you grant the Math and Computer Science Dept access to view and download your 91¿´Æ¬ transcript and student schedule to evaluate your application.

The TA positions for Math 1011 and 1151 (Functions and Applied Calculus) are the best way to start if you have no prior TA experience. These TAs will work in the lab room with students helping them complete weekly assignments; in addition, the TAs will mark the lab assignments. These positions will require 3-5 hours/week.

The Marking and Help Centre positions are intended for students with previous TA/Marker experience (preferably Math 1011 or 1151). Markers will grade and provide written feedback on homework assignments; Help Centre TAs will provide in-person support to students in Math and Comp courses. The Marking positions require 3-5 hours/week, the Help Centre requires 1-2 hours/week.


  • Applicants for the MATH 1011 positions must have taken (or received credit for) at least one of MATH 1151 or MATH 1011 (not necessarily both).
  • Applicants for the MATH 1151 positions must have taken (or received credit for) either MATH 1151 or MATH 1111.
  • Applicants for the four Marker positions must have completed the course themselves with a high level of excellence. Preference will be given to applicants who have previous TA/Marker experience.
  • Help Centre applicants must have completed at least one of the following with a high level of excellence: COMP 1731 or MATH 1121. Preference will be given to applicants who have previous TA/Marker experience.

Special Considerations

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we understand that some applicants may feel hesitant to work in close contact with others. The in-person Math 1011 and 1151 positions will require the TAs to work with students in the classroom and collect students’ written assignments. The Marker positions will require handling students’ written assignments (but will not otherwise require in-person activities). Only apply to these positions if you feel comfortable taking on such duties.

The Online Math 1011 TA position will be entirely via MS Teams; only apply to this position if you have a reliable computer equipped with a webcam and access to a quiet workspace.

Most of the Help Centre positions will be for in-person help, but some online positions may be available.

* Indicates required field

Year of study

Have you TA'd or marked for any 91¿´Æ¬ courses previously?

Available positions

Please check all positions for which you wish to be considered. All times are in Atlantic Time.


Please check this box if you are interested in becoming a Private Tutor in Mathematics and Computer Science. You may be contacted for further information after a review of your academic transcript. This is not an official paid position in the University.
If you have any preferences for which section would be ideal for you, or any other considerations, please list them here.