
Susanne Beiweis

Adjunct Assistant Professor


Dr. Susanne Beiweis received her PhD at the University of Vienna in 2016. Prior to joining 91心頭, she worked as a Research Associate at Sun Yat-Sen University (China). Her research interests lie in the history of philosophy and the history of ideas, with a special focus on Renaissance and Early Modern philosophy. She is interested in the relations between learned magic, the arts, and natural philosophy in the Renaissance. Her work examines how the tradition of learned magic in the Renaissance contributed to the emergence of modern science in the seventeenth century. Her teaching interests include the history of philosophy in general and aesthetics and philosophy of art.


Edited Volumes

2022. Shani, I. & Beiweis, S., Cross-Cultural Approaches to Consciousness: Mind, Nature, and Ultimate Reality. London: Bloomsbury Academics.

Refereed Journal Articles

in pressBeiweis, S. & Ockenstr旦m, L., Aged Scholars, Screech-Owls, Sagae and (the Power of) Human Blood in Ficinos De Vita Longa, Rinascimento.

2021. Fear of the Other: The Ottoman Turk in Machiavellis La Mandragola, Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, 49.1: 20-41.

2019. Beiweis, S. & Ockenstr旦m, L., Memory, Mercury, and Magic in Marsilio Ficinos De Vita, Rinascimento, LIX: 271-296.

2018. Naturam ars imitatur: Magical images within Marsilio Ficinos De Vita Libri Tres, Verbum Analecta Neolatina, 1-2: 155-180.

2013. Der Talisman: Das Brechen bestehender Analogie. Zur Rezeption der Magie bei Marsilio Ficino, 酷姻端鞄稼艶顎噛艶庄岳-鴛稼韓看, 24: 43-50.

Book Chapters

2022. Beiweis, S. & Shani, I., Introduction: Can Consciousness Be Reconceived as Metaphysically Fundamental?, in Shani, I. and Beiweis, S. (eds.), Cross-Cultural Approaches to Consciousness: Mind, Nature, and Ultimate Reality, London: Bloomsbury Academics.  

2017. Allmacht, Ohnmacht und Magie. Saturn als Kippbild bei Marsilio Ficino, in: Eming, J. and Dallapiazza, M. (eds.), Marsilio Ficino in Deutschland und Italien. Renaissance-Magie zwischen Wissenschaft und Literatur. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 55-67.

2014.  Die Sph辰re Saturns als Medium f端r den Dichter und Philosophen. Dantes XXI. Gesang des Paradisos und Ficinos De vita sana, in: Mehltretter, F. (ed.), Allegorie  und Wissensandordnung. M端nchen: utzverlag, pp. 61-96.

Web-Based Publications

2014. Gesundheit durch Magie. Marsilio Ficinos幣 De vita libri tres 1000 Wort Forschung,  .

2013. Als Magie noch Teil der Wissenschaft war, .

2012. Meine Forschung: Sternend辰monen und Talismane, .


PhD   Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria, 2016 
: Saturn and Talisman: The Heterogeneous Concepts of Magic as presented in Marsilio Ficinos De Vita Libri Tres (written in German)

Mag. phil.  Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria, 2009



Fall 2023

PHIL 1621 Reason, Will, & World
PHIL 3101 Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 3991a Renaissance Philosophy

Winter 2023/24

PHIL 2401 Introductory Aesthetics
PHIL 2611 Introductory Logic