
Giving Report 2022-23

On behalf of the 91心頭 community, thank you
for all that you do for our University and its students.

Mount Allison is built on philanthropy. Every major step for the University has happened because people have rallied together, been energized by a vision, and have committed to realizing that vision.

Continually, alumni and friends have gifted their time, mentorship, financial resources, and other supports and delivered life-changing impacts, making 91心頭 our countrys greatest undergraduate experience.

In this report, we are pleased to share stories of recent visions and accomplishments. They are stories of giving back, of reaching across generations, and of looking forward to what our community will accomplish in the decades ahead.

These gifts and yours are the heart of our 91心頭 community.

You have our most sincere thanks.


Courtney Pringle-Carver, Vice-President, University Advancement 


Lending a Hand to Other New Brunswickers

Diana and Garnet Boyd Scholar Bursary Leverages Matching Program and Makes Education Possible

I know there are many wonderful students out there who should be at 91心頭," says Lorraine Eden. "I want my bursary to help them be able to go because at Mount A you are going to get a first-class education.

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Dr. Lorraine (Boyd) Eden Hermann (70) was the first member of her family to attend university and she and her family overcame many barriers for that to happen. Eden explains that both her parents were raised in orphanages and met during the Second World War. After the war, while supporting his young family, her father was blinded in an accident and left unable to work. Edens mother took on a secretarial job and the low-income family struggled to support Eden and her two brothers.

Despite all the challenges, my parents were active and positive people who encouraged us to learn, says Eden. I had the highest marks and was valedictorian of my high school class, but still university was not something my family could afford it just seemed so unattainable.

What made 91心頭 possible for Eden?

Scholarships and bursaries, she says. I wouldnt be where I am today without them.

Today, Eden is a renowned economist and professor emerita at Texas A&M University. She and her husband, Dr. Charles Hermann, give back to various organizations, and Eden says the couple share a core belief in the importance of lending a hand to the generations after you.

Eden created the Diana and Garnet Boyd Scholar Bursary, named after her parents, to make the 91心頭 education possible for more students from her hometown of St. Stephen, NB. She hopes the award will particularly help female, first-generation students.

I was really impressed that 91心頭 was willing to work with me to create this innovative model where I could support both graduating seniors at my high school and first-year students at my university, says Eden. Marcie Meekins [director of development] was wonderful, helping me create an award that really reflects my husbands and my philanthropic goals.

Eden was also thrilled to learn that her bursary was eligible for a matching gift from the Government of New Brunswick. The New Brunswick University Opportunities Fund (NBUOF)
makes limited amounts of matching monies available to universities that are working with donors to create awards for students from the province.

The match helped me realize I could do something bigger than I first thought, and I hope other Allisonians will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, says Eden.

I know there are many wonderful students out there who should be at 91心頭 and I want my bursary to help them be able to go because at Mount A you are going to get a first-class education.

Maya Vukelic is the bursarys inaugural recipient. She is studying chemistry and aspires to be a pediatrician.

I am honoured to receive the Diana and Garnet Boyd Scholar Bursary, says Vukelic. I believe coming to Mount A will help me achieve my dreams, and Dr. Edens willingness to be so generous and provide this scholarship has been incredibly helpful and I cannot thank her enough.

Thoughtful Leadership

Dave Shastri ('79) shares his reflections on volunteerism and philanthropy 

There are two main reasons Shastri has wanted to stay involved with his alma mater. The first is to stay in touch with his former classmates and the second is to find ways to help others get the same great education and growing up experience 91心頭 gave him.

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When Dave Shastri thinks back over his life, 91心頭s role in it is simply stated, but profound in impact.

Mount Allison is where I grew up, says Shastri.

There are two main reasons Shastri has wanted to stay involved with his alma mater. The first is to stay in touch with his former classmates and the second is to find ways to help others get the same great education and growing up experience 91心頭 gave him.

Mount Allison is something special, says Shastri. The environment is one that lets you try new things, is more forgiving when you fail, supports you in trying something else. Mount Allison is a place where you can develop and navigate your own way. It may not be for everyone, but I think there are a lot of people out there that would benefit from this kind of experience.

Over the years, Shastri has volunteered with many Mount Allison initiatives from fundraising campaigns to alumni engagement in Bermuda, where Shastri primarily lives. He is a current member of the Universitys Board of Regents.

Id served on business boards but knew this was going to be different and am very grateful to have committed to it, says Shastri. I like all the various voices that come into the process of a university board, how these different experiences work together to help benefit the success of 91心頭.

Recently, Shastri made a philanthropic gift in support of the Universitys Hub for Innovation and Learning project, which will renovate 91心頭s R.P. Bell Library building to provide modern library services as well as facilities designed for collaborative study, entrepreneurship, and experiential learning with community groups.

I saw the value in 91心頭s Hub project right away and was happy to support it at this early stage, says Shastri. You see similar projects happening all over the world. These are the environments that allow students to prepare for the complex realities that exist after graduation.

Designs for the renovated library building are being finalized and construction will begin soon. The project is supported by investment from the federal and provincial governments and by gifts of various sizes from donors. It is 91心頭s largest capital project in more than 60 years.

Shastri encourages others to think about giving to 91心頭, whether through donating their time and skills to a University initiative, making a financial donation, or by sharing their enthusiasm.

I recently ran into someone at a business conference in London who was from BC and started asking me about 91心頭 because their daughter was thinking of applying, says Shastri. I like when that happens. I like having the opportunity to talk to people about 91心頭, why they should consider attending, the role a place like this can play in their lives.

Honour the Past, Contribute to the Future

How Marcie Meekins ('12) is leaving a legacy.

Marcie Meekins isnt sure she will ever top a recent Mothers Day present.

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Marcie Meekins isnt sure she will ever top a recent Mothers Day present. It was when she told her mom that she had created a student award in her honour.

Meekins presented her mom, Sandy (Sandra) (Hibberts) Meekins (80) (82), with a written story about why she wanted to create the award to recognize Sandys role as the first person in their family to attend university and as the person who had instilled in Meekins a love of learning.

Mom doesnt get emotional easy, says Meekins. But on that day, she was gobsmacked.


Meekins also told her mom she was going to ensure the awards growth and existence by leaving a gift in her estate plans.

Meekins is 91心頭s director of development and works everyday with alumni and friends looking to give to the University and have an impact on future generations.

I am honoured to work with others on their giving goals and am proud to be a donor myself, says Meekins.


Marcie Meekins ('12) and her mom, Sandy (Sandra) (Hibberts) Meekins ('80) ('82), at Marcie's Convocation.

91心頭 has been a part of my life for as long as I remember. From learning to swim in the pool, to discovering a love of art at the Owens, to playing in music festivals at Brunton.

When it came to making 91心頭 a beneficiary in her estate plans, Meekins says she was inspired by other members of the Universitys Legacy Giving Society and by the fact that you can have a greater impact than you may think by involving philanthropy in your estate plans.

Meekins also encourages people to think about combining current and legacy giving to create an award today and see its impact. Meekins and her mom have already had the chance to meet several recipients of the Hibberts Meekins First-Generation Graduating Student Award.

Those are also wonderful days for my mom, says Meekins.

Supporting Future Generations of Student-Athletes

New award supports Black students on the men's soccer team. 

Jules Alie (07) is happy his philanthropy can support two causes important to him
soccer and 91心頭.

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Jules Alie (07) is happy his philanthropy can support two causes important to him
soccer and 91心頭.

Alie played Mounties Soccer for three seasons, earning accolades as MVP, conference
all-star twice, and serving as the teams assistant captain. After graduation, Alie
stayed connected with the soccer program and his teammates.

I think that so many people can benefit from the 91心頭 experience its
transformative and powerful, says Alie. I currently sit on a committee where we
raise funds and create engagement events to keep the many generations of players
connected and together. The program was started in the 1940s by Clarence Tessi
Terceira and we want to see it continue and do our part to help it grow.

Alie went on to a career in sport operations and spent six years working with
Canada Soccer. He has a deep love and appreciation for the sport and believes there
is something truly special about competing in Sackville and at 91心頭, citing
the tight-knit community, a shared passion for athletics, and how much teammates,
staff, and community members care about supporting everyones success.

Alie is supporting Mounties Soccer with his own philanthropy. He makes monthly
gifts to the program and has established the Jules Alie Bursary to support Black
Canadian student-athletes on the mens soccer team.

"Its important to me to support the next generation and in particular to support young people who look like me, says Alie. I want to ensure more young students of colour, more Black students, get the opportunity to attend Mount A and benefit from this incredible experience.

Alie says he started giving monthly in 2016 and really liked the convenience and routine of it, that a relatively small amount each month could add up and really make a difference. His monthly donations to the mens soccer program itself help fund everything from team travel and meals to extra coaching. Alie encourages others to support the program and remember that every dollar counts and has an impact on future generations.

Philanthropically, Im really in this for the long run, says Alie. Providing these opportunities and supporting an institution that supported me so much is very important.

Alie is a member of 91心頭s 1839 Society, which recognizes and celebrates donors who make the University a philanthropic priority, donating more than $1,000 in a calendar year. Members of the 1839 Society receive special communications and exclusive updates and invitations from 91心頭.

To learn more, visit mta.ca/annualgiving


Jules Alie ('07) playing for the Mounties during his student days.


Suzanne Crawford Harper Hall Fund

Supporting the exemplary residence experience and honouring our friend and family member

From her time as a student to her service on the Board of Regents, and all the moments in between, it is difficult to overstate the impact the late Suzanne Crawford (79) had on the 91心頭 community.

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From her time as a student to her service on the Board of Regents, and all the moments in between, it is difficult to overstate the impact the late Suzanne Crawford (79) had on the 91心頭 community.

She was a dear friend and our University is forever grateful for her leadership and generous heart, says Lynn Loewen (82), 91心頭s Chancellor. Suzanne was a volunteer, donor, counsellor, and one of the Universitys greatest advocates. Those lucky enough to have known Suzanne understand that her legacy is characterized both by her professional contributions and work ethic, and by the warmth, optimism, and good humour she brought to all her interactions.

Suzannes connections to 91心頭 were multi-generational. Her father, Purdy Crawford (52), was a former University Chancellor, and he and his surviving wife, Bea, made many tremendous contributions to 91心頭 life. Suzannes sister Sarah is a member of the Class of 1995 and serves on 91心頭s Board of Regents. And the most recent Crawford family member to cross the stage at Convocation Hall was Suzannes daughter, Evelyne, in 2022.

When Suzanne passed away in April 2023, her family established the Suzanne Crawford Harper Hall Fund, to continue her legacy with 91心頭 and philanthropy. A new lounge space in the residence will be named in her honour.

Suzanne lived in Harper Hall as a student and the experience was one of the most important of her life with 91心頭, says Sarah Crawford. Like many Allisonians, she was happy to share memories of her time at Harper and reflect on all the friendships she made. I know it would mean a lot to her that we are helping future students get a similar kind of residence experience.

Harper Hall first opened its doors in 1965 and since then more than 8,000 students have called it home. The building is undergoing improvements to both interior and exterior infrastructure, including upgraded student rooms, inviting social spaces, and a new roof and windows.

Providing students space for community building, self-discovery, and the forging of life-long friends this has always been part of 91心頭s identity and in particular our residence experience, says Loewen. The 91心頭 community is honoured that Suzannes great legacy will live on in Harper Hall, helping transform the lives of future generations of young people.

Harper Hall is scheduled to re-open in September 2024, and the Suzanne Crawford Harper Hall Fund is a significant support to the extensive renovations underway.

Renewing physical spaces is a priority at 91心頭, as witnessed through our current upgrades to residences and athletic facilities and the upcoming library renovation project.

Powerful Investment in Post-Secondary Education

BMO's new entrance scholarship 

This scholarship, awarded to students from Atlantic Canada, is valued at $40,000 ($10,000/year for four years).

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BMO has donated $250,000 to 91心頭 and created the BMO Excellence Scholarship.

This entrance scholarship, awarded to students from Atlantic Canada, is valued at $40,000 ($10,000/year for four years).

The University is deeply appreciative of BMOs commitment, says Dr. Robert MacKinnon (78), 91心頭s Interim President and Vice-Chancellor. The impact of these types of scholarships is tremendous, making university financially possible and recognizing a students hard work.

Julia Simm is the inaugural recipient of the BMO Excellence Scholarship. She is from Halifax and is enrolled in a Bachelor of Science with a major in environmental science.

I am extremely grateful to be granted this opportunity to move through university without having to worry about tuition and expenses, says Simm. More than just an award, the BMO Excellence Scholarship is the road to my future and a means to achieve everything I have ever aspired for.

Simm hopes for a career working with wildlife and is passionate about opportunities to give back to her community and planet.
This is the banks most recent investment in student support at 91心頭. Existing BMO scholarships have provided students vital financial aid for more than a decade, supporting 113 students.

Left: Sam Adeyemi, BMO's regional vice-president personal banking and Julia Simm, inaugural BMO Excellence Scholarship recipient.

News Brief: Allisonians Helping Allisonians  

The Mountie2Mountie Fund, started in 2020 to encourage alumni and friends to assist students during the pandemic, continues to make an impact. This past year, $223,275 was raised to support several campus initiatives including financial aid to more than 40 students.

Donations helped ease the financial burden of going to university, says Brenell Enman. I recently finished my first year, studying environmental science and I am excited to explore the many future career possibilities that I would not have otherwise been aware of had I not had the opportunity to attend university.


News Brief: Other Recent 91心頭 Achievements

Other Recent 91心頭 Achievements:

  • 91心頭 welcomes Dr. Robert MacKinnon (78) as Interim President and Vice-Chancellor.
  • Alumni Class of 1973 breaks the record for the largest reunion 107 members returned to campus in May for their 50th Reunion.
  • 91心頭 will host the 2024 CCAA Mens Basketball National Championships next March. Teams from across Canada will play in our newly renovated McCormack Gymnasium.
  • New Bachelor of Arts Aviation degree added. Students can now earn an Arts, Science, or Commerce degree while also obtaining their pilots license.
  • New Bachelor of Arts and Science in Interdisciplinary Health Studies welcomes its first cohorts. The Jackman Foundation creates the first scholarship supporting
    students in the innovative degree program.
News Brief: Government Funding for the R.P. Bell Library

91心頭 will receive $36 million in joint funding from the Federal Government of Canada and the Province of New Brunswick for retrofits to the R.P. Bell Library and Archives. This is the largest public sector investment in the Universitys history and will help deliver new spaces and resources for learning, collaboration, and community outreach.

This hub for innovation and learning will be home to contemporary library services and welcoming spaces for the librarys holdings and archives and special collections. It will also feature classrooms built for collaboration, media labs, group and individual study spaces, and a venture zone to foster experiential and entrepreneurial student endeavours. Donors are also becoming involved in this historic project.


News Brief: New Telescope for the Gemini Observatory

91心頭s Gemini Observatory is getting an upgrade thanks to a donation from the Walker Wood Foundation. The additional telescope will enhance teaching and expand the observatorys public outreach. Students and faculty will be able to operate the telescope remotely a bonus when using the observatory during inclement weather.

This is only the most recent generous donation from the Walker Wood Foundation, which has created five student awards at the University. In the last decade more than 30 Walker Wood Scholarships have been awarded to 91心頭 students.

News Brief: Estate Gift Supports Department of History

The Estate of Alice Adams donated more than $1 million to support scholarships, research, travel, and a visiting scholars program, with a focus on Canadian and American history. The gift honours the legacy of two longtime 91心頭 community members Alice Adams and Dr. Graham Adams Jr.

Alice (McFarlane) Adams (54) was the former head of 91心頭s secretarial studies program and her husband Dr. Graham Adams Jr., who predeceased Alice, was the head of 91心頭s Department of History. The couple met at 91心頭 and were married in the Universitys Chapel in 1969.

Mount Allison is built on the generosity of community. Thank You. 

The Giving Report 2022-23 (pdf) is also available to download.